He still will eat just about anything. His recent favorites are waffles, muffins, gold fish, yogurt, peaches, watermelon, and peas/carrots. It is so nice that he has learned to feed himself. He usually makes a HUGE mess but it is nice to be able to fix dinner or actually eat myself. His top 2 teeth FINALLY came in last week. Which means he is also sleeping alot better.
It is so much fun just to watch him play. You can tell that the wheels are turning and he is starting to really understand how things work. His favorite games include rolling or throwing the ball back and forth, peek-a-boo(as always), wrestling on the floor, and putting his toys in and out of the toy basket. He also went swimming for the first time last month and loves the water. He will just babble on and on. Still working on saying mama he says it but not consistently. I swear he says Kinsley (his cousin). Whenever he see her he makes a sound that sounds just like her name. It is so sweet, he gets so excited when troy comes home and will say dada dada da non stop. Oh another thing he started doing is taking one of our old cell phones putting it up to his ear and talking. It is really cute. I am still trying to get it on video.
I am sure I can write forever about all the things Eli has learned but most importantly Eli is just one happy little boy. You can't help but smile just being around him.
wow 11 months came quick. he is a cutie.
So cute! Thanks for the update. love ya!
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