Wow...7 weeks...it is hard to believe that Eli is 7 weeks old. It's hard to remember what life was like before Eli. He is such a blessing in our life. Yes Troy and I haven't sleep more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep at night. And I feel that my days are filled with nursing and changing diapers and even more nursing. And then when I do get out and go somewhere I usually have to make the run for the car to yes you guessed it feed the little guy. But it is all worth it and more to have a healthy happy and growing baby boy(at his month check-up he weighed 8.12 lbs). Eli is starting to show his personality. It is getting fun that he is starting to recogonize the world around him. It is funny how you'll have one day where he will sleep when I am ready for him to sleep so I can get things done and I can see that slight glimpse of hope that an actual routine is in the future and then the next day everytime I try and lay him down he cries. I guess I have to keep on living for those "good days"
Here are a few pictures of Eli during the past 7 weeks of his life:

Eli and his grandaddy at just 1 day old

Eli and Grandpa McGuire

(He loves his Georgia Snuggly made by lazy bee)

Sunday afternoon